

Students in Years 7-10 complete an individualised learning program during Junior Mathematics. Students complete pre-tests at the beginning of each unit to identify students strengths in the topic and areas where they may require some extra assistance. From the results of these pre-tests, students are set work specifically to their learning needs. During class time, students participate in activities independently, in small groups and as a whole class. They also have the opportunity to choose how they demonstrate their learning of a concept to their classroom teacher.

The focus of the Mathematics classroom at Upper Yarra Secondary College is on individual improvement and at the end of each unit students are provided with an indication of their improvement for the given topic as opposed to a summative test result. Mathematics classes also have a focus on strengthening basic numeracy skills, key terminology and engaging students in problem solving and reasoning by providing students with opportunities to participate in rich learning tasks.


Students in Year 7 and 8 may also be involved in the numeracy classes offered at the College. Numeracy class are a chance for students to continue to develop their basic numeracy skills and are an opportunity to consolidate the learning occurring in the regular maths classroom. Content and skills taught in this class are tailored to the learning needs of the students in these classes. Students are taught concepts through a variety of different activities and resources, with many opportunities to be involved in hands on learning tasks.