Junior School
Welcome to the Junior School and Middle School
Welcome to the Junior School and Middle School at Upper Yarra Secondary College. Junior/Middle School staff are responsible for managing and supervising all aspects of the school at Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. This includes curriculum planning and delivery, welfare support and referrals, student management, events and strategic direction. It is our job to ensure your child has a productive, enriching education targeted to extending their abilities at all times within a happy and safe environment.
We work as a structured team. Day-to-day management is managed by Team Leaders, who are in turn supported by the Junior and Middle School Leaders.
The Year 7 transition process commences well before the student formally commences at our College. Our Open Evening is conducted during Semester One and gives interested parents and students an opportunity to visit the College in the evening, hear about the educational programs available, view students’ work and experience the College environment. The College conducts a range of transition activities in our local primary schools, designed to ease the transition into secondary school. Grade 6 students then attend an Orientation Day in December where they take part in timetabled classes and get a taste of life at UYSC.
We offer excellent programs at UYSC using innovative approaches to learning, such as the FLIP program (Future Learners Inquiry Program) and the BYOD Program. We add to this leadership opportunities, camps, special events, lunchtime activities, and interschool sport. In all of this we strive to set high expectations.
Partnerships are pivotal to the learning journey and parents are at the heart of this and we provide many opportunities for parents to be included in the education journey of their children. We look forward to welcoming you and your child when you join us at this great school.
Amanda Finn Junior School Leader and Luke McCormick Middle School Leader