Library Media Centre


Library Media Centre

Upper Yarra Secondary College actively promotes the ability to read, whether it is paper or digitally based. The well-resourced multi-media Library Media Centre caters for multiple teaching and learning areas. The large dynamic area utilises open space. Reading is encouraged through the English Domain’s “Independent Reading” program.

       Whatever the purpose of visiting the library – whether it be studying, borrowing, reading, ICT troubleshooting, assignment work or a game of chess, the Library staff are available to assist and guide students.”

Library staff supervise and support the effective use of the following:

    • A large collection of print resources, including books, magazines and newspapers.
    • A reading area with a comprehensive collection of fiction that caters for a wide range of reading interests and levels.
    • A computer learning space.
    • A Makerspace.
    • Areas for independent, group and class learning.
    • Silent study rooms.
    • Senior study area.
    • Library Catalogue access.

The UYSC Library supports students to gain local Library membership to utilise the significant Online Resources available to them through Eastern Regional Libraries.

Eastern Regional Libraries Online Resources (You will need to login with your library card number and PIN)

The UYSC library is interactive, encouraging and socially supportive of students. It is open from 8am to 4.00pm daily and for the second half of lunchtime. Students may be sent from classes or whole classes may be booked in to use the library facilities. Photocopying, printing, scanning, and access to iPads and Chromebooks are all part of the support services available at the library to assist students to achieve their ‘personal best’.

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